Saturday, August 24, 2013

Oslo's First Impression

I have been in Norway for about two weeks now, and I am starting to get more familiar with the city of Oslo.  Although I still have not nearly seen the entire city, I am starting to get a feel for it and learn my way around.
Some things I like about Oslo:
     Oslo is an incredibly easy city to get around.  The public transport system is very good and makes it very quick to get around the city.  There is also very little traffic, so it is easy and safe to walk around.  When I was in London, I felt like the taxis were about to leap forward and hit me every time I crossed the street, but Oslo is not like that at all!  I spotted this on the T-bane (metro) the other day.  It made me smile.
                               I spotted this on the T-bane (metro) the other day.  It made me smile.

The Fjord-
     Oslo is right on  the water, which is fantastic!  One of my favourite areas of Oslo is the waterfront, which is quite picturesque.  I went down there just this morning and bought a whole fish off one of the boats!  I am also trying to learn how to properly fillet a fish.  I think I could use a little more practice!
                                        The waterfront as seen from the National Opera House.

                                                              Hanging out by the water.
The Architecture-
    Oslo has a very Scandinavian look that seems to be fairly distinct.  It is a very open city that is easy to navigate and very fun to be in!

                                                  One of the sculptures at Vigeland's Park.
                                                                     The royal palace.

I am excited to be discovering more and more about Oslo and the rest of Norway.  Next up, I'll post about my side trip up to the mountains!

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