This is the view off our balcony about a week ago, at NOON! The sun is low in the southern part of the sky pretty much all day now, which is a bit weird. The days are still a pretty normal length though. The fall colors here are beautiful, although most of them are starting to fall as it gets colder and colder. It's been hovering around 4degC all week, and there is a forecast for a tiny bit of snow tomorrow. Hopefully they're right!
This is the center of campus.
This is a nice view in front of one of the main buildings, Georg Svedrups hus. The humanities/social sciences library is in there. The sciences library is in another building, and it is a really good place to study.
There are lots of stuffed animals in the biology building. This is one of the more recognisable ones; the eagle fell off its perch a long time ago and apparently it has been down for so long it's just normal now.
Anyway, I also wanted to show some stuff we do at home. We mostly eat on our own, but once every week or two we get together for a roommate dinner and make something nice together. This week we made antipasti. It was very fancy and very good!
This is our student pub, Amatøren, on quiz night. We have a quiz team with 5 or our 6 roommates on it. Our last roommate is on a different team that he's been on for a long time now, so we couldn't poach him. It works out well because if you have more than 5 on a team you start to lose points. The prize is 5 slips for free beer; we are saving ours for the end of the year so we can have a big free beer party.
Anyway, that's life here at the university! I'll try and update sooner next time.
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